Chocolate Sodas

I found this recipe at the check out line in the grocery store from a Pillsbury halloween magazine. So naturally, these turn into Mud Sodas on All Hallow’s Eve! But on regular days, when you need a little something to go with that grilled burger, these come highly recommended!

4 cups chocolate milk, chilled
4 cups rootbeer, chilled
1 pint (2 cups) chocolate ice-cream

In each of 8 tall glasses, place 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup root beer and stir gently to mix.

Top each serving with a 1/4 cup of ice cream.

And for the adults, a shot of chocolate vodka never hurt anything either!

2 thoughts on “Chocolate Sodas”

  1. I need to make this for my grandkids! That will give Larry & myself a great excuse to enjoy one for ourselves too!

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